Today marks 3 weeks since Mike and I “went off the deep end” – out of the blue, we decided to try “ the keto diet .” In some ways, it’s just one among many fad diets, like paleo or 5:2 . But, it also provides enough science (well, probably pseudo-science) to make sense to the skeptics like us. Neither of us has ever been on a strict diet before, as we truly are food-obsessed bon vivants. Yet somehow, for some crazy reason, keto got us to stick to the plan. Maybe it’s the meticulous record-keeping or the competition with oneself to stay within the allotted 20 grams of net carbs a day? These are certainly both features that appeal to our Type A personalities and therefore got us through the first oh-so-miserable few days. But I think that in the longer run it was something else. For me, it has to do with loss aversion – the very human trait that describes an individual’s desire to avoid losing. Loss aversion is associated with a related behavioral phenomenon known as the su
This blog contains an eclectic array of tidbits of my life. As a behavioral economist, I write about preferences, beliefs, gender gaps, persuasion, and other topics. I also post about my other passions: Taekwon-Do, food, fashion, and travel. Finally, as a working mom, I am forever seeking that elusive balance between parenthood, career, and hobbies. Find me on Twitter @OlgaShurchkov and my TKD Instagram @olga5thdan